Five little snowmen standing in a row,
Each had a hat and a bright red bow !
Out came the sun and it shone all day,
And one little snowman melted away!
The children are given 5 snowmen and a red crayon.
They color all the bows red.
I then give them a variety of colors, and ask them to color the hats on the snowmen each a different color. I write their name on the center of the sun, and keep all their pieces in separate zipper sandwich bags.
To play the game, the children lay their 5 snowmen in a row. They lay their sun next to the snowmen.
We recite the rhyme together, holding the sun above the snowmen on the 3rd line, and turn one snowman over when we get to the end of the rhyme. We repeat the rhyme again saying "4 little snowmen standing in a row..." until all the snowmen are melted. We learn about the number zero at the end of the rhyme.
Send the rhyme home with the children. |
Write each child's name on their sun. |
4 Little snowmen standing in a row... |
2 little snowmen standing in a row... |
3 Little snowmen standing in a row... |
1 little snowman standing in a row... |
No little snowmen standing in a row... |
We keep their rhymes for a couple of weeks, reviewing it each week. Finally they get to take them home to play with their families. I also send home a copy of the rhyme (just in case they forget part of it!)